[AmazonSteeringCte] Rene Kane's information on downtown events this weekend

Randy Prince randyprince24 at hotmail.com
Sat Aug 10 04:42:54 CDT 2019

KANE Rene C <RKane at eugene-or.gov>
Fri 8/9/2019 4:45 PM

  *   KANE Rene C

Good afternoon all,

I’m sending this email to all board members of Eugene’s neighborhood associations. If you have new board members, please forward it to them.
Some of you may be aware that this coming weekend there are a number of events planned. These events include the Saturday Market and Farmers Market, Eugene Springfield Pride in the Park at Alton Baker Park, and a God, Guns and Liberty rally this Saturday at 1 p.m. in the Wayne Morse Free Speech Plaza. For the latter event there have been reports of potential counter protests and the City has received and is responding to concerns about the potential impacts of these events occurring simultaneously.  Our role is to protect peoples’ rights and keep our community safe.  EPD has been planning for these events for the past couple of weeks along with other City departments and partners and will use the resources necessary to maintain safety in our community, while also ensuring free speech and peaceful assembly.
As neighborhood leaders, we wanted you to be aware of this information as well as the following answers to the questions that the City has been receiving:

Is the rally an event that must be permitted?
The planned location of the rally is on County property, not City property. No permit has been issued by the County. In general, no permit is required to lawfully assemble and engage in protected speech on a public forum like the free speech plaza or a sidewalk. No City permit has been sought or is required for what the rally organizers have described.

We have heard people in the rally may be armed with handguns and or rifles, is that allowed?
In most locations Oregon law allows individuals who may lawfully possess firearms to carry them openly.  State law allows for the open carry of firearms in the location of the planned rally and the surrounding sidewalks.  In addition, the City does not have the authority to prohibit the rally from occurring, however, the City may take enforcement action if any laws are violated.
Please feel free to pass this information on to your neighbors.
Best regards,


Rene C. Kane
Neighborhood Planner
Human Rights & Neighborhood Involvement/City Manager’s Office
City of Eugene/99 West 10th Avenue/Eugene OR 97401
phone: 541-682-6243
email: rkane at eugene-or.gov<mailto:rkane at eugene-or.gov>
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