[AmazonSteeringCte] Fw: Alder Repaving Project

Randy Prince randyprince24 at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 13 20:42:39 CDT 2019

From: Lindsay Massara <lindsay.massara at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 9:40 AM
To: randyprince24 at hotmail.com; rachaellatimer at gmail.com; kara.steffensen at gmail.com
Subject: Alder Repaving Project

Hello All,

I noticed on Randy’s last email that the committee requested to be CCed on emails to the city regarding the Alder St repaving project. So, I just wanted to let you know that I already emailed Reed Dunbar, from the city, and gave him my full support regarding the repaving plans for Alder. I am pleased with the proposed changes and back his decisions 100%.


Lindsay Massara
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