Amazon Neighborhood Association

24th to 30th Avenues
Amazon Park to Agate Street
Eugene, Oregon




Recognized Feb 10, 1975, Resolution on Feb 15, 1978
Revisions: Sept 27, 1990, Oct. 27, 1999, and April 9, 2001


The name of this organization is Amazon Neighbors Association (ANA)


Amazon Neighbors Association encompasses that area bounded by 24th Ave on the north, Agate Street and Laurelwood Golf Course on the east, 30th Ave on the south, and Amazon Creek on the west.


Section 1: The purpose of Amazon Neighbors Association is to improve and maintain the livability of the Amazon neighborhood. ANA will provide a forum for
   • education
   • discussion of neighborhood concerns
   • gathering and conveying information to the city council and other city officials
   • conveying information affecting ANA from city officials to the steering committee and Amazon Neighbors

Section 2: The organization shall address all matters which affect the neighborhood, in accordance with the City of Eugene's Neighborhood Organization Recognition Policy, Resolution No. 2554, including issues of public safety and economic development.


Section 1: Membership is open to any resident, property owner, or business owner 18 years of age or older within the boundaries described in Article II.

Section 2: Each member shall have one vote on any matter before the Association.

Section 3: There shall be no absentee voting or voting by proxy.


Section 1: Four General Meetings shall be held each year at a time and place to be established by the Steering Committee. The fall General Meetings is designated as the Annual Meeting.

Section 2: A quorum at a General Meeting shall be 15 Amazon neighbors, including members of the Steering Committee.

Section 3: Election of the Steering Committee shall be at the Annual Meeting.

Section 4: The Steering Committee shall forward notice of General Meetings and of monthly Steering Committee meetings to the Register-Guard for inclusion in Round-Up/Eugene-Springfield, and the newsletter shall announce the time and place of General and Steering Committee meetings.


Section 1: Members of the Steering Committee shall be elected by a majority of those in attendance at the Annual Meeting and shall serve a one-year term. Officers shall be selected by the Steering Committee at their next monthly meeting.

Section 2: The Annual Meeting shall be announced in the newsletter. The announcement shall list the present Steering Committee members willing to continue for the next year, and shall invite others to offer their names at the Annual Meeting.

Section 3: At the Annual Meeting, the Chairperson will present the names of Steering Committee members willing to continue for the next year, and ask for other nominations from the floor. A majority vote of a quorum of Amazon neighbors present shall be required for approval of the proposed slate.

Section 4: An Amazon neighbor may become an interim member of the Steering Committee with the consent of a majority of the Steering Committee members after she or he has attended three monthly meetings. The interim member may be a participant until the next annual meeting when she or he may be elected in accordance with section 3 of this Article.


Section 1: Selection of Officers: The officers shall consist of a Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, or two co-Chairpersons, a secretary, a Treasurer, and a Neighborhood Leaders Council Representative. Officers shall be appointed by a quorum of all members of the Steering Committee who have been elected by those present at the Annual Meeting of the ANA.

Section 2: Duties of the Chairperson: The Chairperson shall coordinate and guide the business and activities of the Steering Committee and be the primary contact person for and liaison with the City of Eugene. The Chairperson may attend and be a participant in any ANA sub-committee meeting.

Section 3: Duties of Vice Chairperson (or co-Chairperson): The Vice Chairperson will assist the Chairperson in her/his duties upon request, In the absence of the Chairperson or in the event of his/her inability or refusal to act, the Vice Chairperson shall execute the duties and powers of the Chairperson.

Section 4: Duties of the Secretary: The Secretary shall record the minutes of all General Meetings and Steering Committee meetings and maintain on file copies of these minutes, correspondence, and other records.

Section 5: Duties of the Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all ANA funds, deposit them in a bank approved by the Steering Committee, and pay out funds authorized by the Steering Committee. The Treasurer is the liaison with the City regarding ANA's funding, if any, from the City's Neighborhood Program.

Section 6: Representative to the Neighborhood Leaders Council (NLC): The NLC Representative shall serve as liaison between ANA and NLC, attend all NLC meetings, articulate the views and concerns of ANA as appropriate, and report back to the Steering Committee.

Section 7: When a vacancy of an officer position occurs during the year, the Steering Committee shall select a replacement by approval of a majority of a quorum of its members present at its next monthly meeting.


Section 1: The Steering Committee shall consist of Amazon neighbors elected at the Annual Meeting and chairperson of any sub-committees).

Section 2: The Steering Committee shall meet once a month in months when no General Meeting is held to conduct business. The Steering Committee shall take action necessary to accomplish the purposes of ANA. Notice of its meetings shall be forwarded to the Register-Guard for inclusion in Round-Up/Eugene-Springfield and announced in the newsletter.

Section 3: A majority of the Steering Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Section 4: Minutes of the Steering Committee shall be kept on file by the secretary.

Section 5: The Steering Committee shall be responsible for establishing the time, place and agenda for General Meetings and other ANA activities and for notification of Amazon neighbors of these events.

Section 6: The Steering Committee shall present the neighborhood's opinions to the City Council, Planning Commission, or other appropriate decision makers. Such advisory opinions shall specify whether the position is from a General Meeting of Amazon Neighbors, the Steering Committee of an appointed committee.

Section 7: Members of the Steering Committee who miss three consecutive meetings, either monthly or general, shall be declared inactive for purposes of voting or establishing a quorum. In active members may petition the Steering Committee to regain their active status.

Section 8: Membership on the Steering Committee terminates at once for anyone who moves from the neighborhood.


Section 1: The name of the newsletter shall be Amazon Neighbors News.

Section 2: The purpose of Amazon Neighbors News shall be to notify neighbors of the ANA General Meetings and to provide information on issues of interest to the neighborhood.

Section 3: The newsletter shall be published prior to each General Meeting, subject to available funding from the City.

Section 4: Commercial advertising shall not be permitted in the newsletter.

Section 5: The steering Committee shall appoint the Editor who shall be responsible to the Steering Committee for the contents, format, preparation and printing of the newsletter.


The Steering Committee may establish sub-committees to work on special projects for ANA. The purpose and authority of each sub-committee shall be specified at the time it is created.


Section 1: The association may receive funds and employ persons to further its purposes, and may own and dispose of property.

Section 2: Plans for the allocation of any monies and grants shall be approved by the Steering Committee before expenditures commence.

Section 3: Money received as a free-will donation at General Meetings shall be deposited in ANA's bank account to be used for general operating expenses.


Section 1: This Charter shall be amended at any General Meeting by a two-thirds vote assuming there is a quorum. Written notice of discussion of proposed revisions to the Charter and vote shall be given to Amazon neighbors in the Amazon Neighbors News prior to the General Meeting where the changes will be presented, discussed and voted on. Changes so approved by ANA shall become effective upon approval by the Eugene City Council.

Section 2: The Steering Committee shall appoint a Charter Review Sub-Committee for periodic review of the ANA charter, as needed.
